Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Not to Plan a Wedding, Part 1:

Hire your hairdresser because she cuts your fiance's hair and "always tells him about how she goes and does weddings."

Friday, April 24, 2009

Month 1

We're trying to have a baby. And we've agreed not to tell anyone. Because (1) we don't want the hassle, if it takes a while, of people bugging us about it and (2) when someone says they're "trying" for a baby, you picture them having sex. And I don't want people picturing that. Really, I'm doing us all a favor.

Anyway, yesterday marks the first attempt that I've ever, in my life, managed to pee on a stick and get any sort of positive result. Albeit was only a "yes, you're ovulating" response. But still, it was something, esp b/c when you've been on the pill for going on 13 (gulp) years. Good to know my body seems to be working, despite my having been doping it up for over a decade.

Wonder if this means I'd have an easy bounce-back if I'd ever tried to give hard drugs a try. I suppose that ship has sailed.

So if the whole temperature thing works, I should get a higher temp tomorrow, and if it continues for 18+ days, it means we were successful. Fingers crossed.